A Crazy World to Awaken In

Breakdown or breakthrough? It’s a little hard to say which way our human species of consciousness is going. Clearly, many old structures of our societies are falling apart. Simultaneously, there are burgeoning numbers of people who have lost faith in authority figures in all of our institutions. There are millions among us worldwide who are not only outraged at the current genocides but who realize we don’t want to waste our wealth on armaments to destroy other communities of humans halfway around the world. Now it’s increasingly obvious that this whole world would work a lot better for every one of us if we began to cooperate and collaborate.

The awakening among us hasn’t gotten headlines – the corporate media is owned and controlled by the old guard; they are invested in the divisive agenda of what I am calling the superimposed, synthetic matrix we were all born into. We each adapted and then adopted a cluster of identities which we came to take to be who we are in this world which is called Mammon or the human karmic vision of samsara; depending on where in our world we were born. It is like we have all had a parasite which has obscured our understanding and distorted and dimmed our vision.

But now it’s increasingly obvious that this whole world would work a lot better for every one of us if we began to cooperate and collaborate.

So, somehow it has come about that our human species of consciousness has become infected with this parasite, this divisive, reifying mind-virus which has us all experiencing and believing we are separate, and disconnected from our own natural being, from one another, from the natural world which we actually live within, and even from the ever-present Source and substance of all that is. Deep down many, if not most, of us believe we are fundamentally flawed. What an amazing, horrifying illusion; what a matrix! Yikes! This is where we have all been living. I, for one, am so glad we are beginning to wake up.

The Ruling Elite

Within this superimposed mind-matrix there has long been a small number among us, initially perhaps the strongest warlords, who have self-designated as our rulers – “divine right of kings,” their buddies, financiers, and minions, and all that stuff. These monarchs were sovereign and owned all the land. The people who worked the land were tenants unless some individual won favor with the monarch and was given land for their benefit. However, it could be, and sometimes was, taken away on a whim.

For much of our known history, the ruling elite conquered and colonized or exterminated those tribes and communities who had formerly lived independent of their domination and exploitation. In today’s world it has become predominantly a financial enslavement by the 193 countries’ private, central banks which charge principle and interest to the nations on all the money the bankers print for their cost of paper and ink; the burden for the world's debt to the international bankers of over $200,000,000,000,000 falls, of course, on the people of the world's nations. It is wise to notice there has been no hesitancy to use genocidal force by these self-named controllers to get their way. Witness all the wars financed on both sides by the same bankers which, surprise, surprise, always result in tighter control over more of our world and our world’s wealth.

Throughout history there have been many rebellions against this leach encroaching on all, by relatively isolated, assemblies of the people in various places on this planet. They have rarely succeeded and have eventually been co opted even centuries later and with a vengeance. Let’s look at The United States of America as an example.

The British-American colonies had had enough of the corporations and their bankers exploiting colonial creativity, industry and labor. These early patriots articulated their allegiance to the laws of nature and nature’s God and declared their independence. They pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor and they fought a bloody and costly war before they wrote The Constitution For the united States of America - forming a republic, a confederation of states, each sovereign and populated by The People – who were recognized as sovereigns themselves - sovereigns without subjects (Chisholm v. Georgia).

Unlike the people living under the monarchies of Europe, Americans were not property of any ruler, they were not tenants on their land; with land patents issued by the government, each landholder was declared the owner of their land in perpetuity. Most homeowners today do not own their land; inspection of their deed reveals they are tenants – not owners. (It is possible to bring forward your land patent. If you are interested you can inquire at the Nevada county assembly or and Living Law Society)

As you might imagine, the banking families and the monarchies, which they largely controlled at this time, were not at all happy with this young upstart among nations. They began to pull the purse strings on the loans which floated the nascent republic as it was forming and they conspired together about what should be done to stamp out this idea, before every man and woman on every continent of this world realized they are actually free, sovereign beings and, that this world is all of ours given to us in trust by the Source.

A few years after the revolution when the colonists’, now the republic’s, debt of fifty-million gold francs was soon to be duly paid to the French banking families, that debt was purchased by the English banking families. Now, they were positioned to extract a pound of flesh from governments on both sides of the Atlantic. Which they did. On this side of the ocean, they kindly rolled over the United states’ debt in exchange for ownership of all the land under Federal buildings, forts, naval bases and monuments. They rolled over the debt and even lent more money as they began collecting rent on the land in the Americas which they now owned.

In 1820 the European monarchies and their ministers assembled and signed The Secret Treaty of Verona (see: CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - U.S. SENATE - 64th CONGRESS, 1st SESSION VOLUME 53, PART 7 Page 6781 25 April 1916). It reads in part, “The undersigned, specially authorized to make some additions to the treaty of the Holy Alliance, after having exchanged their respective credentials, have agreed as follows:

“ARTICLE 1 [of seven]. The high contracting powers being convinced that the system of representative government is equally as incompatible with the monarchial principles as the maxim of the sovereignty of the people with the high divine right, engage mutually in the most solemn manner, to use all their efforts to put an end to the system of representative governments, in whatever country it may exist...,”

In other words, they were having none of this heretical view that all men and women on the land of this planet are sovereigns without subjects and endowed by their Source with certain unalienable rights such as life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness and, they pledged to stamp it out. They were the only sovereigns and we were theirs and they conspired to put We The People back into our proper place.

The so-called “high contracting powers,” who signed The Secret Treaty of Verona, held to their pledge seventy years later, as the debt was coming due and negotiations across the ocean began and no one in the United States of America had yet discovered all the riches and gold in the west. Once again we couldn’t pay.

Agents of the high contracting powers and their bankers had been antagonizing regional differences in the attitudes, beliefs and customs, which had distinguished the northern from the southern states despite the fact that the northern shipping magnates had made their fortunes running slaves from Africa to the southern states. The flames of civil war were sparking and the banking families from different countries lent the funds required to fuel the conflagration and, after the Civil War, they once again rolled over the debt - once again, for a price.

This time the arrangement was to be kept secret and for a very long time very few people understood what was done by their sleight of hand. The number of us realizing just how our country has been run by persons with foreign allegiances and our constitutional republican form of government replaced by a nested series of corporations under the City of London is growing rather rapidly now. (See below)

You see, our original, organic Constitution for the united States of America was a contract and a trust agreement created by and in the name of we, the people - the body sovereign. We, the people, recognize nature’s God and we created this Constitution to protect and defend our unalienable rights and to provide for the general welfare.

We, the people, are both the sovereign creators and the beneficiaries of this trust. We, the people, created a government with limited powers via this Constitution. We, the people, select individuals to become our fiduciary servants and agents serving in our government. They have been chosen from among us to work for the people as the trustees responsible for our shared estate.

All serving as the trustees for the Body Sovereign are required by the constitution we enacted, to take and record an oath to the Constitution of our country and to our State and, to put up a fidelity bond to protect the people, in the event they violate their oath or overstep their delegated authority. We delegate a portion of our sovereign power to our trustees so they can function in the role for which they have been selected – unless or until they violate their oath or overstep their delegated authority – at which time they are personally liable. That is how the government for the united States of America was set up. However, the crafty banking families had another idea for what America would soon become.

A Corporate Charter

After the Civil War, by a secret agreement, a corporate charter, the Constitution of the UNITED STATES replaced our original Constitution. Not only that; our original Constitution had an original 13th amendment, also known as “The Titles of Nobility Act.” The Titles of Nobility Act forbade to anyone with an allegiance to any foreign power or their agent from any public office, nearly disappeared from sight until it was recently re-discovered in the archives of a number of states by a friend of mine. By the original 13th amendment foreign allegiances, dual citizenship and loyalty requiring membership in even a subsidiary of a foreign organization such as the British Accredited Agency, the B.A.R., which is located within the nation state of the CITY OF LONDON, meant the individual cannot ever hold public office – federal, state, county or municipal. It would be a conflict of interest and a breach of their required Oath of Office.

This marked the beginning in earnest of the bastardization of the meanings of common American English words into legalese to be utilized by the courts and the attorneys whose first allegiance is not to their clients but rather to the courts – which so-called “courts” are not courts of justice but surreptitiously banks engaged in human trafficking (see CRIS and a blog post by Michael James Anthony for more information). 

Like any corporate charter, the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION applies to the employees and agents of said corporation and its actual jurisdiction is the ten square miles of the city-state of Washington, District of Columbia and federal lands and possessions.

Having rather effectively disappeared the original 13th amendment, the new, corporate constitution replaced it with the newly drafted abolition of slavery and involuntary servitude, (except in prison), the current, corporate 13th amendment. Next, without telling the public, the secret agreement required each of the states to replace their constitutions with corporate charters, disguised as a constitution. Thus the states, counties and municipalities are all sub-chartered under the corporation of THE UNITED STATES (you can find them all on Dunn and Bradstreet). The states’ actual jurisdiction is likewise within the District of Columbia. No problem for us, unless the people on the land of this nation voluntarily accept the corporation’s jurisdiction by signing contracts with said corporation, which pretty much all of us have unknowingly done! By the way, a contract is fraudulent if there hasn’t been full disclosure!

For the last 54 years I have been domiciled on the land of California state. California became a constitutional republic in 1849 in accordance with Article 4, Section 4 of the original Constitution for the united States of America.  In 1851 California became a state in the Union. With communication as it was in the days of sailing ships and the pony express, it wasn’t until 1879 that our original, organic constitution was re-written as a corporate charter and virtually no one was told about it. All state, county and local government personnel were transferred from being fiduciary trustees of the public, pledged to their beneficiaries, the public; they all became – mostly unknowingly – agents of the corporation, STATE OF CALIFORNIA and our original trust agreement was abandoned.

It has been useful to learn that there is a truism, a maxim of law, “A Trust cannot fail for want of a trustee,” which is an important piece of how we, the people who have gathered as the Nevada county assembly, are in the process of restoring constitutional governance, locally.

It’s Shocking, I Know

This information may come as a shock to you. And, there is a lot more, likely shocking, information to come.

Putting on my neurologically astute therapist’s hat: when there is too much new information, the information processing systems of our nervous system can get overwhelmed and perceive chaos. This could be a very good moment for some of you to stop and reconnect with just being here. 

Before we begin exploring things like where our enormous national debt comes from, etc., perhaps, it is a good time to take a few deep breaths and notice the mind and its reactions and interpretations of this information. As you let go of the exhale, do your current best to let go of the mind and its interpretations and just pause here for a bit… letting go a little more with each successive, relaxing exhale… for a moment or two, now. Perhaps do that cranial nerve engaging exercise where you cradle the back of your head and gazing left or right, gently relaxing until you get a good yawn, a sigh, a deep, relaxing breath and your activation level settles down a notch or two (see my substack for more detail). It might feel really restorative to give a little time and attention to focusing differently in this way for a few moments. Relaxing out of some degree of alarm is an important skill for us to develop; especially if we’ve had a tendency to get stuck in the alarm, fear and/or anger or the collapse vortices within our autonomic nervous system. In truth, this is a good skill to cultivate for all of us.

Please remember: it’s your life; it’s your time; it’s your attention; it’s your choice; you can choose to take moments of your day for yourself. It’s a smart choice; even in the midst of this story about how we’ve all been duped and lied to our whole lives.

That story will continue after a bit about where this mind-virus appears to have come from and how it is in glaring evidence in our world. 


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